I love when I get to go to work and talk about the "good ol' days" with my patients. It's great hearing about the past and getting to vicariously experience little chunks of people's lives when they reminisce and share. I feel a little bit like a magpie, collecting and hoarding all the shiny bits I encounter. Just today I had a gentleman tell me that while he and his wife are estranged, he wouldn't trade a day of the time he got to spend with his eight children, and that, though he wasn't with her, he was proud of the job she did "raising them up right" on the family farm. A father's pride in his children has a way of lighting up his face, and this man was just beaming. I sure do love my job. 😊
Catharsis is defined by Merriam Webster as: "purification or purgation of the emotions, primarily through art" and "a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension." I find this to be a particularly apt word for describing the run of my emotions today. I have a memorial tattoo of a sugar skull surrounded by marigolds to which I add a flower every time a loved one passes away. While I still ache for my departed family, I have found some measure of solace in the tattoo process. My Great Aunt Neta passed away a week ago today, on my parents' 37th wedding anniversary. It was unexpected. We were a tight knit family when I was growing up, so Aunt Neta and her husband (one of my paternal grandfather's brothers), Charles, were always around. The thing I remember best about Neta was her laugh. She had one of those joyous, infectious, completely unselfconscious cackling giggles that transforms the face into a ball of glowin...